I just received a notification from Google that my post, "Pandemic Era
Civil Rights Violations" was deleted for violating community standards.
There is ...
News Links, October 9, 2020
## Global Ponzi meltdown/House of Cards/global cooling/deflationary
collapse ##
Europe's major economies predict more dire declines to come as coronavirus
Strengthening the Scraper Bike Team
The Scraper Bike Team has opened their first neighborhood bike repair
facility called “The Shed”, operated out of a modified cargo container at
the MLK ...
It's really very simple
[Note: I am pushing this article live two days early because ZeroHedge
somehow managed to get a hold of it and post it before I did. Needless to
say, I do...
We are migrating to new blog site!
To Our Valued Readers
We have migrated to this new blog site or you may visit our official
website on http:/...
While the BART board was coming up with a protocol for when to deny its customers their ability to communicate freely, Anonymous posted a picture of BART spokesman Linton Johnson exposing his wiener while in the embrace of a shirtless man.
I debated whether or not to post the actual pic, but wth, I'm clearly not a principled professional journalist anyway, so here it is.
My deepest apologies.